Why Branding is So Important for Bloggers

You could set up a blog and just start typing every stray thought that pops into your head (this is what I did at first before I got a clue), and this may make you feel fulfilled emotionally and creatively....but you likely won’t attract a lot of attention or following to your blog.

It isn’t enough to just create compelling content, you have to be a strategic marketer and drive readers to what you create.

And readers are most attracted to clear, authentic brands.

Which is why I recommend that everyone who wants to blog to sit down and think first, create second.

You need to brainstorm: what your brand is going to be, what niche is it going to fall into, who do you want to read it…all before writing one blog post.
In my own experience, I knew I wanted to start a blog about money and personal finance, and I knew what I wanted to call it- but my blog floundered for a good year before I found my true values and the topics that resonated most with my small readership.

Once I sat down and put these facts on paper—my brand values, who I wanted to read and why -- my blog hasn’t deviated much from those notes in the three years since.

....Not to get all Oprah Winfrey's “The Secret” on you, but once you put down what you want on paper or out into the universe, things have a way of magically coming together.

I recommend my favorite “45 Minute Exercise” when tackling each worksheet in this section. The “45 Minute Exercise” is exactly what it sounds like.

You set a time for 45 minutes and give yourself ONE TASK; limiting all distractions if possible.

...And for those 45 minutes it's just you and a piece of paper, specifically...these worksheets. You may be surprised what comes up!

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